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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Alkhateeb-Shehada, Housni. "Veterinary Medicine and Veterinarians during the Mamluk Period (648 H/1250-923 H/1517 A.D.) [in Hebrew]." Ph.D. dissertation, Tel-Aviv University, 2005.
Subjects: Scholarship
2. Alkhateeb-Shehada, Housni. "Donkeys and Mules in Arabic Veterinary Sources from the Mamlūk Period (7th-10th/13th-16th Century)." Al-Masaq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean 20, 2 (2008): 207-214.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Scholarship
3. Alkhateeb-Shehada, Housni, Mamluks and Animals : Veterinary Medicine in Medieval Islam. 1. 537 p.. Leiden: Brill, 2013.
Series: Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series, 11
Subjects: General Works--Veterinary Medicine
4. Alkhateeb-Shehada, Housni. Review of Science and Religion in Mamluk Egypt: Ibn al-Nafīs, Pulmonary Transit and Bodily Resurrection by Nahyan Fancy. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 77, 2 (2014): 384-386.
Subjects: Scholarship/Individuals--Ibn al-Nafis



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